JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option

(Erstwhile JM Multi Strategy Fund - Growth option)

Category: Equity: Flexi Cap
Launch Date: 23-09-2008
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.81% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 1000.0
Minimum Topup: 100.0
Total Assets: 5,333.7 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 138.49%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


1.21 (1.231%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Satish Ramanathan, Chaitanya Choksi, Gurvinder Singh Wasan

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to provide capital appreciation by investing in equity and equity related securities using a combination of strategies.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
23-09-2008 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
23-10-2008 6.8476 - 68476 -31.52 %
24-11-2008 6.8861 - 68861 -31.14 %
23-12-2008 7.947 - 79470 -20.53 %
23-01-2009 7.4388 - 74388 -25.61 %
24-02-2009 7.8527 - 78527 -21.47 %
23-03-2009 7.8949 - 78949 -21.05 %
23-04-2009 9.3131 - 93131 -6.87 %
25-05-2009 12.1326 - 121326 21.33 %
23-06-2009 12.3049 - 123049 23.05 %
23-07-2009 12.8983 - 128983 28.98 %
24-08-2009 13.5052 - 135052 35.05 %
23-09-2009 14.5474 - 145474 45.47 %
23-10-2009 14.725 - 147250 47.25 %
23-11-2009 14.6418 - 146418 46.42 %
23-12-2009 14.8788 - 148788 48.79 %
25-01-2010 14.5531 - 145531 45.53 %
23-02-2010 13.6358 - 136358 36.36 %
23-03-2010 14.0926 - 140926 40.93 %
23-04-2010 14.8802 - 148802 48.8 %
24-05-2010 13.8242 - 138242 38.24 %
23-06-2010 14.6786 - 146786 46.79 %
23-07-2010 15.2513 - 152513 52.51 %
23-08-2010 15.5381 - 155381 55.38 %
23-09-2010 16.0187 - 160187 60.19 %
25-10-2010 16.7597 - 167597 67.6 %
23-11-2010 15.7737 - 157737 57.74 %
23-12-2010 15.6569 - 156569 56.57 %
24-01-2011 14.5961 - 145961 45.96 %
23-02-2011 13.3963 - 133963 33.96 %
23-03-2011 13.2136 - 132136 32.14 %
25-04-2011 14.2338 - 142338 42.34 %
23-05-2011 12.9782 - 129782 29.78 %
23-06-2011 12.54 - 125400 25.4 %
25-07-2011 13.3758 - 133758 33.76 %
23-08-2011 11.5183 - 115183 15.18 %
23-09-2011 11.3738 - 113738 13.74 %
24-10-2011 11.5384 - 115384 15.38 %
23-11-2011 10.7298 - 107298 7.3 %
23-12-2011 10.4429 - 104429 4.43 %
23-01-2012 11.4109 - 114109 14.11 %
23-02-2012 12.5981 - 125981 25.98 %
23-03-2012 12.0735 - 120735 20.73 %
23-04-2012 11.7744 - 117744 17.74 %
23-05-2012 10.6991 - 106991 6.99 %
25-06-2012 11.2023 - 112023 12.02 %
23-07-2012 11.284 - 112840 12.84 %
23-08-2012 11.8336 - 118336 18.34 %
24-09-2012 12.6194 - 126194 26.19 %
23-10-2012 12.6217 - 126217 26.22 %
23-11-2012 12.68 - 126800 26.8 %
24-12-2012 13.4105 - 134105 34.11 %
23-01-2013 13.4474 - 134474 34.47 %
25-02-2013 12.7061 - 127061 27.06 %
25-03-2013 11.9574 - 119574 19.57 %
23-04-2013 12.8003 - 128003 28.0 %
23-05-2013 13.0771 - 130771 30.77 %
24-06-2013 12.2025 - 122025 22.02 %
23-07-2013 12.8849 - 128849 28.85 %
23-08-2013 11.2862 - 112862 12.86 %
23-09-2013 12.151 - 121510 21.51 %
23-10-2013 12.8537 - 128537 28.54 %
25-11-2013 12.9814 - 129814 29.81 %
23-12-2013 13.5111 - 135111 35.11 %
23-01-2014 13.2081 - 132081 32.08 %
24-02-2014 13.1286 - 131286 31.29 %
24-03-2014 14.2211 - 142211 42.21 %
23-04-2014 15.1531 - 151531 51.53 %
23-05-2014 17.1804 - 171804 71.8 %
23-06-2014 17.6977 - 176977 76.98 %
23-07-2014 18.5467 - 185467 85.47 %
25-08-2014 18.9545 - 189545 89.55 %
23-09-2014 19.7241 - 197241 97.24 %
27-10-2014 19.6786 - 196786 96.79 %
24-11-2014 21.3475 - 213475 113.47 %
23-12-2014 20.862 - 208620 108.62 %
23-01-2015 22.2766 - 222766 122.77 %
23-02-2015 22.2115 - 222115 122.11 %
23-03-2015 21.8957 - 218957 118.96 %
23-04-2015 21.2238 - 212238 112.24 %
25-05-2015 22.2591 - 222591 122.59 %
23-06-2015 22.4963 - 224963 124.96 %
23-07-2015 23.1856 - 231856 131.86 %
24-08-2015 20.8037 - 208037 108.04 %
23-09-2015 20.4948 - 204948 104.95 %
23-10-2015 21.1283 - 211283 111.28 %
23-11-2015 20.4191 - 204191 104.19 %
23-12-2015 20.4154 - 204154 104.15 %
25-01-2016 19.2091 - 192091 92.09 %
23-02-2016 18.1705 - 181705 81.71 %
23-03-2016 19.4965 - 194965 94.97 %
25-04-2016 20.3064 - 203064 103.06 %
23-05-2016 19.8188 - 198188 98.19 %
23-06-2016 21.192 - 211920 111.92 %
25-07-2016 22.8612 - 228612 128.61 %
23-08-2016 23.4652 - 234652 134.65 %
23-09-2016 24.9098 - 249098 149.1 %
24-10-2016 25.2523 - 252523 152.52 %
23-11-2016 22.6325 - 226325 126.33 %
23-12-2016 22.2246 - 222246 122.25 %
23-01-2017 24.0668 - 240668 140.67 %
23-02-2017 25.8917 - 258917 158.92 %
23-03-2017 26.4102 - 264102 164.1 %
24-04-2017 27.8209 - 278209 178.21 %
23-05-2017 27.9046 - 279046 179.05 %
23-06-2017 28.5931 - 285931 185.93 %
24-07-2017 29.6115 - 296115 196.12 %
23-08-2017 30.1982 - 301982 201.98 %
25-09-2017 30.0403 - 300403 200.4 %
23-10-2017 30.8018 - 308018 208.02 %
23-11-2017 30.7245 - 307245 207.25 %
26-12-2017 31.8184 - 318184 218.18 %
23-01-2018 31.9081 - 319081 219.08 %
23-02-2018 30.2773 - 302773 202.77 %
23-03-2018 28.8564 - 288564 188.56 %
23-04-2018 30.4319 - 304319 204.32 %
23-05-2018 29.9335 - 299335 199.34 %
25-06-2018 30.6435 - 306435 206.44 %
23-07-2018 31.9384 - 319384 219.38 %
23-08-2018 32.6751 - 326751 226.75 %
24-09-2018 29.7051 - 297051 197.05 %
23-10-2018 27.4025 - 274025 174.03 %
26-11-2018 29.3281 - 293281 193.28 %
24-12-2018 29.4785 - 294785 194.78 %
23-01-2019 29.2191 - 292191 192.19 %
25-02-2019 29.3413 - 293413 193.41 %
25-03-2019 30.567 - 305670 205.67 %
23-04-2019 31.1503 - 311503 211.5 %
23-05-2019 31.3598 - 313598 213.6 %
24-06-2019 31.4206 - 314206 214.21 %
23-07-2019 31.1282 - 311282 211.28 %
23-08-2019 30.5038 - 305038 205.04 %
23-09-2019 34.3359 - 343359 243.36 %
23-10-2019 34.409 - 344090 244.09 %
25-11-2019 34.6641 - 346641 246.64 %
23-12-2019 35.1712 - 351712 251.71 %
23-01-2020 35.0155 - 350155 250.16 %
24-02-2020 35.2801 - 352801 252.8 %
23-03-2020 23.5287 - 235287 135.29 %
23-04-2020 27.594 - 275940 175.94 %
26-05-2020 26.6624 - 266624 166.62 %
23-06-2020 30.2276 - 302276 202.28 %
23-07-2020 31.3696 - 313696 213.7 %
24-08-2020 32.0305 - 320305 220.31 %
23-09-2020 29.9549 - 299549 199.55 %
23-10-2020 31.8429 - 318429 218.43 %
23-11-2020 35.6607 - 356607 256.61 %
23-12-2020 38.0753 - 380753 280.75 %
25-01-2021 39.9767 - 399767 299.77 %
23-02-2021 42.3313 - 423313 323.31 %
23-03-2021 42.5969 - 425969 325.97 %
23-04-2021 41.1196 - 411196 311.2 %
24-05-2021 43.7047 - 437047 337.05 %
23-06-2021 44.8021 - 448021 348.02 %
23-07-2021 45.9654 - 459654 359.65 %
23-08-2021 47.352 - 473520 373.52 %
23-09-2021 52.3499 - 523499 423.5 %
25-10-2021 51.7859 - 517859 417.86 %
23-11-2021 52.0132 - 520132 420.13 %
23-12-2021 50.9914 - 509914 409.91 %
24-01-2022 51.217 - 512170 412.17 %
23-02-2022 50.2847 - 502847 402.85 %
23-03-2022 50.6367 - 506367 406.37 %
25-04-2022 49.7595 - 497595 397.6 %
23-05-2022 47.4165 - 474165 374.16 %
23-06-2022 46.2646 - 462646 362.65 %
25-07-2022 50.7946 - 507946 407.95 %
23-08-2022 52.8851 - 528851 428.85 %
23-09-2022 53.0764 - 530764 430.76 %
25-10-2022 53.8091 - 538091 438.09 %
23-11-2022 55.4873 - 554873 454.87 %
23-12-2022 54.3723 - 543723 443.72 %
23-01-2023 55.3565 - 553565 453.57 %
23-02-2023 54.5251 - 545251 445.25 %
23-03-2023 53.3525 - 533525 433.53 %
24-04-2023 54.9555 - 549555 449.55 %
23-05-2023 57.4166 - 574166 474.17 %
23-06-2023 60.7967 - 607967 507.97 %
24-07-2023 64.0237 - 640237 540.24 %
23-08-2023 66.7178 - 667178 567.18 %
25-09-2023 67.7025 - 677025 577.02 %
23-10-2023 67.4427 - 674427 574.43 %
23-11-2023 71.3136 - 713136 613.14 %
26-12-2023 77.0884 - 770884 670.88 %
23-01-2024 77.8009 - 778009 678.01 %
23-02-2024 86.7597 - 867597 767.6 %
26-03-2024 83.765 - 837650 737.65 %
23-04-2024 89.1557 - 891557 791.56 %
23-05-2024 95.9232 - 959232 859.23 %
24-06-2024 101.6683 - 1016683 916.68 %
23-07-2024 104.298 - 1042980 942.98 %
23-08-2024 107.547 - 1075470 975.47 %
23-09-2024 109.4676 - 1094676 994.68 %
23-10-2024 104.0135 - 1040135 940.14 %
25-11-2024 102.1469 - 1021469 921.47 %
23-12-2024 103.5177 - 1035177 935.18 %
14-01-2025 98.0944 - 980944 880.94 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option 12.95 1.29 10.02 0.92 - -
Equity: Flexi Cap - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option 23-09-2008 22.39 32.97 21.42 22.65 16.58
Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan-Growth Option 08-04-2014 27.83 33.88 17.94 16.58 14.22
Invesco India Flexi Cap Fund - Growth 05-02-2022 22.74 29.98 0.0 0.0 0.0
HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth 24-02-2004 18.97 26.31 13.17 18.17 12.53
Bajaj Finserv Flexi Cap Fund -Regular Plan-Growth 01-08-2023 18.77 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
BANK OF INDIA Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan -Growth 05-06-2020 18.61 29.44 16.81 0.0 0.0
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-05-2013 18.42 27.44 14.65 23.71 17.16
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Growth Plan 01-01-1995 17.97 25.14 20.31 21.46 14.46
360 ONE FLEXICAP FUND-REGULAR PLAN- GROWTH 04-06-2023 17.68 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WhiteOak Capital Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan-Growth 05-08-2022 16.45 24.71 0.0 0.0 0.0

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


